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General Liability Insurance in Summerville, Georgia

General Liability Insurance in Summerville, Georgia

All businesses must account for various risks. Sometimes, risks are specific to the size and industry of an organization. Other times, certain risks transcend these boundaries. When it comes to third-party injuries and property damage related to business operations, general liability insurance can make all the difference.

What Is General Liability Insurance?

There are numerous forms of liability insurance for commercial organizations. As its name suggests, general liability insurance can help cover common issues arising from daily operations. Such incidents may include third-party (e.g., customers or vendors) injuries that occur on the premises or damage to third-party property due to operations.

General liability insurance can help pay for third-party medical expenses and property damage when a business is deemed responsible. Standard policies often include coverage for personal injury, as well, such as libel and slander. Certain components of the policy may also help cover lawsuits (e.g., legal fees and settlements) related to these claims.

Not all general liability policies are the same, so be sure to review your coverage options carefully with your insurance representative.

Why Is Having Coverage Important?

General liability insurance is often a requirement for businesses. While not usually a legal mandate across the board, some professional licenses may require it; many commercial leases also require occupants to retain this coverage. Additionally, clients or contracts may stipulate general liability insurance as part of the agreement.

Beyond contractual obligations, having liability protection makes sound business sense. Consider if a customer slips on your property and decides to sue. The resulting expenses would need to be paid out of pocket. Not only would this hamper operational budgets, but it could also spell financial ruin for a small business. In summary, general liability insurance offers financial protection against everyday risks that could limit business success.

Where Can I Find Affordable Options?

The cost of a general liability insurance policy can vary due to various factors, including:

  • Business size
  • Number of employees
  • Location
  • Industry
  • State licensing requirements
  • Coverage inclusions

Contact Guffin & Eleam Insurance today to discuss the right general liability policy for your unique circumstances.